23 March 2011



Whatever would they think of next, one wonders... Will this really happen? Will our mothers lose trust over their own ability to nourish their young from their own breasts and not from the udders of a cow?!

Notice the elixir of breast milk to the ancient royalty. Obviously they did know THE good thing called breast milk! That much we can all agree on... the goodness of the milk that springs from the wells of a woman's body!

Beijing (China Daily/ANN) - Genetically modified (GM) dairy products that are similar to human milk will appear on the Chinese market in two years, an expert in biotechnology has predicted.
Li Ning, a scientist from the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the State Key Laboratories for AgroBiotechnology at China Agricultural University, said progress in the field is well under way.

Li said Chinese scientists have successfully created a herd of more than 200 cows that is capable of producing milk that contains the characteristics of human milk.
He said the technology is at the cutting edge worldwide and will ensure "healthy protein contained in human milk is affordable for ordinary consumers".
Photos depicting the GM cows were on display at an exhibition, held between March 7 and 14 in Beijing, that showcased China's major technological achievements during the period of the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010).

"In ancient China, only the emperor and the empress could drink human milk throughout their lives, which was believed to be the height of opulence," Li said. "Why not make that kind of milk more available for ordinary people?"

Human milk contains two kinds of nutrition that can help improve the immune systems and the central nervous systems of children. The components are not available in milk produced by goats or cows.

Li said the scientific world had not previously found a way to mass-produce those ingredients. The GM milk will be as safe to drink as that of the ordinary cows, he added.

The Ministry of Agriculture issued bio-safety examination certificates for the GM herd in March 2010, giving the scientific team a 22-month period during which the technology can be tested in laboratories.

The ministry will then evaluate the results of the tests before deciding whether to allow the milk to be sold.

"The milk tastes stronger than normal milk," Li said. "Within 10 years, people will be able to pick up these human-milk-like products at the supermarket."

Xue Dayuan, chief expert with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, said the government will carry out a series of tests on the transferred gene and the method of transplanting it before the genetically modified cows and their milk are declared safe.

There has been a good deal of opposition to GM technology in the United States and Canada, according to Fang Lifeng, a campaigner for Greenpeace China's food and agriculture project.


01 March 2011


Counsellors with BMSG often encounter mummies who worry because their newborn infants are sleepy and often fall asleep shortly after starting a feeding session. Of course, they wonder if their babies are getting enough milk.

Truth is, it really might be hard to tell. An average newborn might take up to 40 minutes per feeding session. Although there are infants who take 10 minutes at the breast and seem to be gaining weight. Often it has to do with milk supply. Some mummies are just blessed with abundant milk. Most of us have to work hard to get our supply established. So, mummies, you are quite normal.

Babies are sleepy for several reasons, not least also because many moms are going through labour and delivery with various drugs in their systems. This does affect the baby. Remember that baby being so small, the effect of the drug in their systems takes longer to clear.

Whilst it would be best for moms to go through natural deliveries and births, that is a decision only a mom can make. Then there are moms who have to go through C-section operations to deliver. If there is no medical need to do so, it is best to leave it to nature. C-section operations are major operations and requires layers of stitching thereafter. Natural deliveries without drugs allow mom and baby to be alert and better able to breastfeed.

So, you do have a sleepy baby.... what can you do?

Often, we find that the usual tickling methods do not seem to work. If baby wants to sleep, it doesn't stop them! Undressing them might.... After all, who wants to be left out cold and naked?!

There is a method which you may wish to try...


Essentially, you hold your breast with a C-cup hold with your thumb on one side of your breast and the rest of your fingers on the opposite side. Squeeze your breast, as close to the chest wall as possible. This causes your milk to squirt out and forces it into your baby's mouth. Babies have to swallow. Release your hold on your breast gently. Do not release it suddenly or your milk might gush forcefully into your baby's mouth, causing your baby to choke.

As for pumping mothers, try this technique whilst pumping. It works!