Yes, YOU, Daddy-O!
Too often, fathers feel sidelined when the baby arrives and mommy breastfeeds exclusively. Then there are those who say, "Yabba-dabba-dooo! Breastfeeding's the wife's department; life goes on for me!" and promptly relinquish all duties to the wife.
Hold your horses, daddies. There's much that you can do, even if you don't breastfeed.
It has been our experience that the more support a wife has from her husband, the higher the likelihood that she would breastfeed longer. How can fathers help?
1. Mother the mother. Bring her a book, food, drinks. Give her a massage. In other words, pamper her. After all, you wouldn't want to have been the one going through the excruciating hours of labour! Or carrying that load around for 9 long months!
3. Take charge of the house. Help with household chores if you have no help available. Sweep and mop the floor. Clean the dishes. Cook. Buy the groceries and daily necessities.
4. Support your wife. Be the rock for her especially when well-meaning friends and relatives unwittingly or invariably give disparaging remarks about her breastfeeding attempts. Be the cheerleader for her. Help her look for the necessary support if and when the need arises.
A mother-child breastfeeding bond is strong but you can also build an equally strong bond with your child just by spending time and interacting with your baby.
Remember, not only will breastfeeding build smart brains, but face-to-face time with your baby will enhance the smarts!
So, daddy.... GO FOR IT!!!
Written by : Angeline Wee-Yew , President 2009 -2011