17 April 2011

The Problems with Medela

"The formula companies are the real opponent of the breastfeeding movement.  Let’s be very clear:  it is the companies and their marketing that we’re up against, not formula itself.  Formula itself is something that is necessary under certain circumstances; in and of itself, formula is not evil.

It’s easy to acknowledge “big pharma” and the formula companies, but it’s less intuitive to see companies that make breastfeeding support products in the same way. It’s strange to think of breastfeeding as an “industry.”  Make no mistake, though:  there are companies in our own “industry” that are putting profit over the health of moms and babies. Medela is one of them. Making money starts with advertising, which is where the WHO Code comes into play..."

Do you know anything about the company that makes your breast pump? Read more of this article here