The Credit-Suisse AG Way
One of Singapore's breastfeeding-friendly workplaces, Credit Suisse AG, answers some questions about what makes a breastfeeding-friendly place.
What do you think makes a breastfeeding-friendly place for nursing/breastfeeding moms?

In addition to having family-friendly policies to support working parents (e.g. family leave policy, flexible work options, etc), a breastfeeding- friendly workplace offers a nursing room with adequate facilities to support the needs of working mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding when they return to work. For us, we ensure that this nursing room is clean and private; has comfortable seats, electrical power points, refrigerator, tables, sterilising soap, paper towels/tissues, dustbin, etc. Basically, everything a pumping mother would require to continue supplying breast milk for her baby at home!
What has your workplace done to help breastfeeding mums?
As part of the Credit Suisse’s ongoing effort to ensure sufficient nursing facilities are offered to our working mothers, several upgrades were carried out across our offices in Asia-Pacific including Singapore. These were based on the feedback received from users via email, feedback sessions and online surveys.
In Singapore, the improvements included the expansion of facilities to meet the demand, enhancement of privacy by installing curtains as partitions, comfortable sofas, bigger refrigerators, installation of more electrical outlets, sterilising soaps, notice boards and other aesthetic items to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. We have in place a quality assurance process of surveying users on an annual basis to obtain feedback and ensure the nursing room facilities are meeting their requirements.

Also earlier this year, four units of Medela Pump-In-Style (Advanced) Electric Breast Pumps were installed in our Singapore office nursing room. This initiative has received very positive feedback so far and our working mothers appreciate not having to commute to work with their pump. As a result, Credit Suisse is currently looking at the possibility of including these breast pumps in all nursing rooms across Asia-Pacific.
In addition, the Bank’s Work Life Coaching Program as part of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service offers regular talks that educate staff on various work-life and parenting topics, for example, Achieving Work Life Integration through Effective Time Management, Key to Wellness, and Effective Parenting.
Why does your workplace encourage breastfeeding practices and support breastfeeding mums? Do you see any tangible / intangible benefits?
At Credit Suisse we strive to create an environment where people are respected, feel personally and professionally fulfilled, and look forward to coming to work. This includes an employee's ability to support his/her community, home life and working career.
Credit Suisse recognizes the valuable contribution of all employees, including women. By providing nursing room facilities in the workplace, women are encouraged to return to work quicker and be better equipped and supported, to integrate their need to continue to breastfeed if they wish, for a period of time.
Credit Suisse is committed in providing an equal opportunity workplace that is inclusive of all and enables each employee to fully contribute. We believe that meeting the needs of staff with family responsibilities is a fundamental prerequisite and part of our overall focus on Work-Life@Credit Suisse.
Do you see any difference in the work ethics/practices of breastfeeding mums vs non-breastfeeding moms? Do you find they are any less productive?
No, we don’t see any difference in the work ethics/practices of breastfeeding mothers. In fact research shows that breastfed babies are healthier and so working parents are less likely to need time off to care for sick children. Our feedback shows that employees are very happy with being given these facilities and it helps them transition quicker back to work. Providing employees with the ability to integrate their work-life responsibilities; in this case the choice of mothers to continue to breastfeeding whilst returning to work has increased the morale and productivity, minimizing disruption to their work responsibilities.

Do you have any guidelines for pumping at the workplace?
Information on breastfeeding in the workplace and nursing facilities is marketed via intranet, Country specific Employee Handbooks as well as part of our new hire On-boarding program.
We do not have a specific breastfeeding policy in the workplace. However, we do have user guidelines for the nursing facilities to ensure everyone maintains the cleanliness of the room and respects the needs of other users. This is communicated through the intranet site.
Do share about any other practices or opinions that you have. We would really love to hear from you and share with other employers the forward-thinking ways of your company!
The Bank has recently launched a new Work-Life @ Credit Suisse campaign across Asia Pacific including Singapore. This campaign aims to showcase and foster a better understanding of our existing flexible work policies and leave options, benefits and technology tools available.
The Flexible Work Guide is first in the series of “how to” guides launched as part of the campaign in June 2010. This guide promotes the Bank’s various flexible working options with tips for employees and managers on the steps involved in ensuring an effective outcome. The next in the series of “how to” guides will be a new Parental Leave Guide which is targeted to launch in August 2010. This new guide will outline information for employees pertaining to planning their leave and returning to work, entitlements and benefits, as well as practical advice to help them manage their career while enjoying the rewards of parenthood.