01 December 2010

Just 10 Steps - World Breastfeeding Week 2010

In our last printed issue of Keeping Abreast, we had featured the 10 steps to the Baby-Friendly Way and what they entailed.

There is much that hospitals and the community can do to help moms recapture the moment, as it were, with their babies from the moment they are born. From the bonding process  to the breastfeeding.

Of course, the BMSG focussed on the 10 Steps as it specifically relates to breastfeeding. Whilst the event was meant to be for families, one highlight of the month’s event was a contest which aim was to encourage as many mothers as possible to share about their breastfeeding experiences in the hospitals in which they delivered.

We received almost 50 entries from moms sharing about the start of their breastfeeding journeys in the hospitals. Some were hilarious, some were painful to read about and still others had the judges reduced to tears. In the end, we had 3 winning entries each chosen for a specific reason and 10 consolation prizes

First Prize Winner:
  • DL
Second Prize Winner:
  • Brina Ho  
Third Prize Winner:
  • Priscilla Kek
Consolation Prize Winners:
  • Elaine Chai
  • Carine Ng Shu Fen
  • Charlotte Yong
  • Corrinne Schmidt
  • Evvanna Chua
  • Angie Koh
  • Amy Lai
  • Juliet Chan
  • Cheryl Ann Low
  • Julie Ong