Dear BMSG(S) Members,
Welcome to our new, digital Keeping Abreast! We have gone green and are now saving money and trees with each "printing" of our newly formatted newsletter. We hope you support this move, and of course as always we welcome your feedback! This issue of Keeping Abreast has some great articles in it...
Each issue in the parenting section, I try to highlight one issue which does not get much press because, like breastfeeding, it is not something that is usually marketable. You generally won't find information about it in the goodie bag from your hospital tours, or in new parent magazines. That's because there's generally no accessories or products to sample, and there is no money to be made from telling you about these topics – though they are important ones that matter to your baby and to our planet. This issue I have included the topic of Elimination Communication – a method of communicating with your very young child about their elimination needs. Lynnette Chan has composed a wonderful introductory article, and I hope you will be inspired by it.
Also, did you attend our WBW celebration this year? It was a great time for the whole family. We have reprinted the
winning essay and hope that it touched you as it touched the judges. I think you will agree it is really an inspiring tale of overcoming breastfeeding challenges to do what is the best for your baby!
I hope you enjoy this issue! Feedback and comments are welcome.
Ruth Li
BMSG(S) Publications Editor